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The mission of PSTA is to connect, inform, support, and advocate for science educators and students in Pennsylvania.

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National Science Teaching Association (NSTA)  - Joint membership from PSTA to NSTA for Pennsylvania Teachers

Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Standards Aligned System (SAS) Science Learning Community


National Middle Level Science Teachers Association (NMLSTA) - to stimulate, improve, and coordinate science teaching in the middle level grades

Pennsylvania Earth Science Teachers Association (PAESTA) - affiliate of the National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA) - To facilitate and advance excellence in Earth and Space science education across the state of Pennsylvania.

Science Teachers Association of New York State (STANYS) - New York's oldest and most respected professional organization of science educators

New Jersey Science Teachers Association (NJSTA) - to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.  [Facebook Page]

New Jersey Science Convention (NJSC) - the best professional development opportunity in the Mid-Atlantic area for science educators, including teachers, administrators, and student interns. NJSC is sponsored by NJSTA & NJSELA.

Updated July 2024

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PA Science Teachers Association

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