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The mission of PSTA is to connect, inform, support, and advocate for science educators and students in Pennsylvania.

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  • 11 Dec 2017 12:45 PM | Anonymous


    As seen in recent news reports, teachers are spending out of pocket money to support their classrooms. Science teachers conducting lab activities often have a greater need for resources. 

    Do you have all the funding and supplies needed to teach?

    As a fellow science teacher, I am aware that some science teachers have adequate funding while others are in desperate need of resources. Little is known about science funding, and I need your input. 

    Help me document funding needs, funding inequities, and what it costs to offer high quality science instruction. Please consider taking this 5-10-minute online survey to give your perspective on funding and resources in high school science classrooms. Participants will be eligible to be entered in a drawing for one of ten $25 gift certificates to Amazon for completing the survey. 

    Use the link below to complete the survey. Please forward to colleagues who may be interested in sharing their experiences.

    Emily Cayton

    Science Education Doctoral Candidate

    North Carolina State University

  • 30 Nov 2017 6:09 PM | Anonymous

    Thanks to Cathy Stephenson for organizing the basket raffle at the conference. We raised $700 for member professional development scholarships. Thanks also to the board members who donated the baskets of goodies.

  • 30 Nov 2017 12:30 PM | Anonymous

    Share your thoughts on how PSTA should deliver PD in the future. Check out the About Us page.

  • 8 Nov 2017 1:06 PM | Anonymous

    Congratulations to the PSTA logo contest winners.

    1st Place ~ Emilia D, 10th Grade Student at West Scranton High School

    Sponsoring PSTA Member:  Scott Dustman

    2nd Place ~ Keera D, 10 Grade Student at York Country Day School

    Sponsoring PSTA Member:  Stacey Filippone

    3rd Place ~ Savanna S, 4th Grade Student at Dunmore Elementary Center

    Sponsoring PSTA Member:  Jenna Urban

    Here is the winning design:

  • 6 Nov 2017 4:04 PM | Anonymous


    1. Vice President: Galen Kreiser (galenkreiser[AT]
    2. Region II (North Central) Representative: Karen Avery (kavery[AT]
    3. Region VIII (Northwestern) Representative: Diane MacWilliams (macwilliams[AT]
    4. Region X (Southeastern) Representative: Valarie Loughnane (VLoughnane[AT]
    5. Region XII (Western) Representative: Samantha Ramaswamy ([AT]
    6. Western District College Representative: Miranda Crostley (mcrotsley[AT]

  • 24 Jul 2017 11:26 AM | Anonymous

    Interested in exhibiting at our conference? Please check out our conference exhibitors information on the Conference Page.

  • 24 Jul 2017 10:14 AM | Anonymous

    The PSTA Annual Conference is a great place to share what you know about your area of science and how you teach it. Don't be shy about sharing your knowledge with other teachers. They make a great audience and are very supportive. Click HERE to get to the proposal form.

  • 2 Jul 2017 9:18 AM | Anonymous

    We're still looking for a few good conference sessions. Want to share how you teach a certain topic? Click on the Conference page to get to the proposal submission form.

  • 2 Jul 2017 9:14 AM | Anonymous

    Check out the PSTA Events page to register for the annual conference now.

  • 25 Mar 2017 9:06 AM | Deleted user

    Minutes from the January PSTA board meeting are now available on the minutes page!

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