The PA Science Teachers Association Board of Directors meets quarterly with additional virtual meetings when necessary. Our meeting dates are in January, March, September and November. If you have any comments or suggestions for the group, I would be happy to share them at the next meeting, just send me an email.
At the most recent meeting we discussed updating the PA Science Teacher’s website, the available social media (Facebook: search PA SCIENCE TEACHERS, Twitter: @TeachPASci ), next year’s conference and how to make PA Science Teacher’s Association a more robust organization for its members.
Dr. David Bauman mentioned that Science Matters email newsletter is a helpful way to learn what is happening in science education around the state. Click to view January’s Science Matters
Planning has begun for next year’s PSTA conference, get excited!
It is with excitement that we announce the first annual Pennsylvania Science Teachers Association (PSTA) Logo design competition. Click to view the student competition form and the competition rubric.
The BOD also welcomed a few new members, here is a complete list of your board of directors:
Kathy Jones - President Christine Royce - Executive Secretary
Andy Walton - Vice President Don Kline- Treasurer
Todd Hoover - Past President Doug Lombardi - Recording Secretary
College Representatives:
Sunny Weiland: Eastern College Rep. Jason Petula: Central College Rep
Miranda Crotsley: Western College Rep.
Regional Representatives:
Michael Cullin: North Central Region Patty McGinnis: Southeastern Region
Laura Micco: Western Region Todd Smeltz: Northeastern Region
Cathy Stephenson: Central Western Region Lauren Beal: Central Region
Cheryl Capozzoli: Southern Region Keith Butler: Eastern Region
Sister John Ann Proach: Mideastern REgion Karen Avery - Midwestern Region
Appointed Positions:
Keith Butler: Membership Chairperson Dave Bauman: PDE
Herb Crawford: Non-PSTA awards Galen Kreiser: Social Media Representative